Sunday, November 17, 2013

Project Dissemination Through Bulgarian Media


An outstanding fiery show that one is not able to see every day was shown to us by our hosts in Sicily and we were truly lucky to see Etna’s eruption, says Georgi Ivanov – vice principal of “Vasil Levski” Secondary School after his return from the Italian island.

In the end of October, Sicily was hosting the first project meeting within the “Warm at Home” LLP Comenius project. Six countries are taking part in this initiative – Poland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, the Bulgarian team being representatives of the largest school in Ruse. For the team of teachers and students this is the third project within the framework of this European programme and it’s a continuation of the recently finalized “Ethno Treasure Hunt” project.

Thanks to the programme in Santa Teresa di Riva we managed to meet and discuss our new plans with our partners, with whom we successfully managed to rediscover some slightly forgotten traditions of our nations and we got to know each other, says the coordinator in Ruse – Georgi Ivanov. The next meeting is going to be in the Polish city of Łódź.

The partners will be working together for the period of two years. Each school is assigned different tasks. The Bulgarian team and the students from the school in Ruse will gather information and will research the traditions of the Bulgarian family, its preserved values and the communication between different generations. The whole research will be backed up with photographs and documents.

Through exhibitions, the gathered information will be accessible to all students, over 1200 in Ruse only. These facts will be presented in an age-appropriate manner and moments from the lives of the older generation will be re-created by students from the elementary level of education.

The next stage includes getting to know and gathering information about alternative energy sources – photovoltaic systems, thermal waters, wind generators and bio-energy. It is essential to summarize and popularize their use among students as they help us keep the environment clean and they are not hazardous to human life - Ivanov added.  All this has the purpose of educating the children in a manner of responsibility towards keeping the environment clean for the coming generations.

The task of the Bulgarian team is to make the blog of the project and the e-groups in the internet, where information will be published about the events concerning the project.
- Asya Pencheva,

“Utro”, 2013

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