Tuesday, February 18, 2014


By Weronika Zmysłowska

 20.10.13 (Sunday)

Wake-up at six in the morning . Anyway, I slept little that night , probably from impressions .  Breakfast, checking that everything I took , next I moved with my parents to railway station Łódź Widzew.  In railway station I met Ewelina – second participant and Mrs Wilczyńska – project coordinator . After the eight o'clock train pulled into the railway station relationship Łódź – Warszawa . In one of the carriages were waiting for us Mrs Zajdlic and Mrs Rzepecka – Tranda , They were very happy the view of us. We've realized space in the compartment . My parents were on the platform waved goodbye. Thus began our adventure of Sicily. After arriving in Warsaw , we drove to the airport. F. Chopin. Italian airline we flew plane to Rome .It was a great experience because the first time I flew a plane in addition without parents at my side. After landing in Rome we waited for a flight to Sicily . The second flight was also exciting for me. Through the window we saw areas of Italy, and then flowing ships of sea . About 17:00 we landed in Sicily in Catania, in the arrivals hall waiting for us a nice surprise . They were colleagues from Turkey, holding the hands of cards with our names and surnames,  there were Fahri and Arel. After a welcome by the hosts and other participants in the project, we went coach to the hotel where our teachers lived . There I first met Benedetta, my Italian friend, in whom I will live and her parents. We went to their house, where I got own room.  Then we sat down to shared dinner .After the meal, I handed gifts for family that probably they loved them. So ended this long and grueling but very joyful day.

 21.10.13 (Monday)

Morning  6:40 I woke up, along with Benedetta ate breakfast and we went to school. Before school I met many local students who were interested in me, as I am them. At eight o'clock started English lesson . To my surprise, when ring bell the children didn't come out for a break, and went to class again other teacher. With one break lasting five minutes We sat in the pews until 13:00. It was real shock for me ! After leaving school I went home for lunch. After the meal we went back to school and, together with Our Headmistress Mrs Zajdlic and, together with the Italian principal of the school went on a sightseeing tour in the city of Taormina. We used the free time we visited the shops and the restaurant we ate Sicilian cuisine . In the evening we returned to Santa Teresa Di Riva. At school was organized event all the participants of the project were enjoyed . It was cool music and good food. Sicily really appealed to me.

22.10.13 (Tuesday)

So as yesterday morning breakfast and go to school. We finished  13:00, home, dinner and then free time until 17:00, I bored out! At the time, I talked with my parents on the internet. At 17:30 in the theatre Val D'agri started the official gala , including official launching of the project , presentation of the project , partner's schools presentation , concert performed by the school orchestra .The event ended around 20:00, then we went home and I went to sleep.

23.10.13 (Wednesday)

A day like every day, breakfast, school, lunch and return to school. We went this time to the beautiful and wonderful town of Savoca, which is beautifully situated, and with a wonderful view. I think that my teachers most appealed to a local cat. We visited the local museum where there were a lot of exhibits showing the history and cultural richness of these lands. Mrs Wilczyńska so fell into the atmosphere prevailing there that she climbed to the bench with me and Ewelina and her arm embraced us two and we took a photo like this. We also visited the beautiful little church with a rather poor interior. On site was a true and "almost" professional photo session, which traces certainly long will visit the website. Another church had a very old, preserved paintings on the walls. In the distance loomed slightly awake and a little fumed famous Mount Etna. Next stop, go down, and there ... Human skeletons of partially preserved clothes . In the restaurant we ate a late dinner and we went back, my traveling companions were Mrs Nina Morabito and Mrs Domenica Crupi, the Italian teachers. Definitely this day was the best, and most of all great!

24.10.13 (Thursday)

 At 7:00 am we set off on a two-day trip bus to the city including Agrigento and the capital of Sicily Palermo. In Agrigento we watched the beautiful preserved ancient ruins. This is just like the previous day was a real photo shoot with a very funny effects.

Our admiration aroused huge figure of Icarus. There is also a museum where we watched the craft based on the use of string. Next stop on the tour was the town where we ate lunch and we walked along the beach. We set off on his journey, and in the evening we stayed in hotel Eufelir, not far from Palermo. There we spent one night.

25.10.13 (Friday)

 We arrived to Palermo. A lot of beautiful buildings, a lot of greenery and magnificent monument . So we can describe this place .Some elements of the architecture look as if they were older than the Roman Empire . In many places the palm trees gives an amazing effect tropics. After the city and his monuments guidebook recount us .After the announcement of free time we went to countless stalls and souvenir shops. We relaxed in cafe sipping orange juice. Late in the afternoon we went back to Santa Teresa Di Riva.In coach was party held and everyone had a great time.

 26.10.13 (Saturday)

 After breakfast around 10:00 with Mrs Zajdlic and Mrs Wilczyńska went on an empty beach for 2 hours. After returning from the beach we went shopping in Taormina, to buy souvenirs and gifts from Sicily for loved ones . It was very cheerful and we will not forget this wonderful moment, our joint photo session and great humour. After returning  warmly I said goodbye an Italian family who hosted me . From them I received beautiful gifts that touched me. I was very sad . Last night I spent in Sicily at the hotel with my teachers and Director .  

 27.10.13 (Sunday)

 In the morning we went by bus to Catania airport, where long waited for our plane. Flight to Rome proceeded normally. After Rome, next  airport was Berlin. There, waited for us another adventure. The plane, which had to fly to Warsaw, was a failure and was withdrawn from the runway. After a brief delay, erected another plane, who we continued our journey. After landing at Warsaw airport and packaging to train happily we went back to home. Safe and sound! I couldn't believe that this is the end, the end of a fantastic adventure. Today there are only memories.

By Ewelina Zasada


My first impression about Sicily is that it is sooo beautiful! My Italian family welcomed me warmly and whole-heartedly. I had my own room in which I felt really well.

21.10.13 (Monday)

On this day I ate breakfast and Benedetta took us to the school she learns at. The students introduced themselves to us and told us a few words about themselves. After school, we went sightseeing to Taormina, a ravishing town in Sicily near Santa Teresa di Riva.

22.10.13 (Tuesday)

Another day I spent with Weronika ate school. Lessons there last longer than in Poland and there is only one break in between! Students at school can eat the same sweets that we have in our school. One of the interesting thing is that kids don’t have to wear uniforms there or change shoes. On the same day, we had an opening gala with presentations about each country and the performance of the school orchestra with anthems of each country.

23.10.13 (Wednesday)

On this day, we went to Savocca, where we visited a strange museum with skeletons of real humans. Later on, we had a very nice dinner in Savocca with all the teachers.

24.10.13 (Thursday)

Agrigento made a huge impression on me! There were rare species of plants there and wonderful ancient architecture.

25.10.13 (Friday)

Palermo, the cultural, economic and touristic capital of Sicily is a city rich with history, art, music, and regional cuisine.

26.10.13 (Saturday)

In the morning we were together with Weronika on the beach. Later on, we bid farewell to our newly-met friends and teachers from Bulgaria and Turkey. I was really satisfied with the Sicilian experience and I will keep many nice memories from this visit.

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