Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dissemination of the Project in Bulgarian Media

"Warm at Home" took students from "Vasil Levski" to Poland

The warmth and the cosiness within the family and the home country was the topic of one of the discussions, which gathered in the Polish city of Lodz representatives of schools from Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Spain and Turkey. A team of students and teachers from "Vasil Levski" Secondary School represented Bulgaria and showed the beauty of our country and the warmth of home. 
This is a part of a project within the LLP Comenius programme. The first meeting was in the previous year in Sicily. The teams are continuing their work on encouraging children to seek and preserve the traditions, typical of their nations. 
As a result of the discussions about the warmth - at home and within the relationships between people, in Poland the guests had the chance to see how a thermal power plant works, they visited a salt mine near Lodz as well as saw what energy can be turned into through the exhibits in the museum of technologies in Warsaw. The warm welcome we witnessed gave us the chance to widen our knowledge in the field of modern technologies for the production of energy and its modern application in everyday life. This was the comment of the vice principal of "Vasil Levski" Secondary School in Ruse, Mr. Georgi Ivanov. 
The interest of the children was vivid during an open lesson in Physics, in which the ways warmth is used  in our everyday life for food preparation or heating, as well as for conducting experiments, were demonstrated. The pride of the Bulgarian team was that the photographs of Kiril Ivanov, a student from 12th grade, won the first prize in the photo competition on the aforementioned topic. His coulage of photos presents the warmth and cosiness within the home, between friends and between animals in nature.
The work on the project continues and in March there will be a project meeting in Hungary, where the partners from the participating countries are going to present the products of the next tasks on the topic of the project.

Asya Pencheva, 2014

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