Saturday, February 8, 2014


Our impressions of the meeting in Poland are very nice.  The  warm welcome in your country fascinates us. We learned a lot  about your history and lifestyle.
Impressed our meetings in your school the  physics lesson was very interesting, different from usual.

Visits to museums enrich us with wonderful exhibits and historical  value .

But  all of the Bulgarian group we agree that the most exciting thing was the descent into the salt mine in Klodava. That  was unforgettable , extremely and beautiful.

Also impressed us Warsaw with its unique atmosphere, which was lit by the decoration of looming Christmas.  The modern streets, shopping malls and skyscrapers were remarkable.

Undeniably our stay in Poland was useful and interesting filled with positive impressions which brought the country to Bulgaria.

Ginka Stoyanova, Bulgarian team


It was a very interesting trip, full of warm and friendship, our activities 
were so involving, and above all when we come to Poland we feel at home, 
because we know almost everything about Lodz, we love it.
Lodz is an old fascinating city, and from time to time we have been learning 
a lot about its history and traditions.
Our project was carried out in a very exciting way, we love working together 
with our European partners and also the weather was good!!!!

Antonina Morabito, Italian team


Dear Asia!

Having returned home I would like to express how grateful we are to you for the warm welcome and  your generous hospitality during our stay in your fabulous Poland. 

On behalf of the Hungarian Comenius Team I want to thank for the Polish Team for their constant attention, kindness, and all the efforts they made to make our visit a memorable and encouraging experience for all of us. 

Please express our appreciation and best wishes also to the host families who took sunch great care of our students and treated them like family members. Being with all of you felt like being wrapped in warmth and friendliness.  We already miss you and can hardly wait for greeting you in Hungary.

We hope to see you very soon.

Zoltan Kerekes, Hungarian team


Dear Asia,

It has been a wonderful week! I feel warm with you, you have done everything… there are many little and big details that I thank you very much for.

Maria Pilar Agudo Fernandez, Spanish team


How fantastic it was to host our Comenius guests here at our place, in our country Poland, in our city Lodz and in our school Junior High School no 30!

Our Comenius team got larger by new members who were warmly welcome by all of us and we were glad to get to know them in person. Our time spent together abounded again in many positive impressions, touching moments and we integrated very well. We managed again to set fire in our hearts and we succeeded in continuing the realization of our project goals.

The rich educational program gave our guests the opportunity not only to learn about Poland (its location, architecture, landmarks, culture and cuisine) but also to experience warmth in all its forms and contexts.

I hope that this visit will stay long in the memory of our wonderful guests and they will always remember it with a smile on their faces and warm feelings in their hearts.

Monika Rzepecka-Tranda, Polish team


Dear Asia,

I had one of the best experiences of my life in Poland. I am glad to have a Chance to know warm-hearted Polish people, beautiful geography and wealthy cultural heritage. Especially, I am impressed by your colourful school, its neatness, the positive atmosphere of the classrooms and friendly teachers.

For all the good things you prepared for us, I would like to thank You, Aga, Iza, and other friends. And also we are thankful to the parents for hosting our students.

Meliha Şahin, Turkish team

It was my third time in Lodz. Mariola, Asia  and their team prepared a great week for us again. They did their best to make us feel at home. I enjoyed the time we spent at school, on trips and during meetings. I am impressed by the history and architecture of Warsaw and the atmosphere in the Kłodawa salt mine. This "warm" week has strengthened the relationships between the project partners and participant teachers.
Also, I would like to thank Aga I, Aga II and Iza and also Weronika for their great efforts for us.

Özgür Boyacı, Turkish team

It was a great and wonderful event for me to discover Poland with your guidance. I am very glad to meet new friends in Poland. I will never forget all of you. I wish that in the future this Project will make a bridge from Turkey to Poland.

Barış Yılmaz, Turkish team

Before the trip to Poland, we were very excited because we didn’t know what was waiting for us. The host family was warmer than I expected. They hosted us very well. The museums, castles, and salt mine was very impressing. But I am especially impressed by streets of Warsaw. They were very colourful. We made new friendships with students from Poland and other countries. We spent good time together.

Selen Kavak, Turkish team

Our host family was as warm as a Turkish family. They treated us very well. I tried some new food. The school was clean, neat and very pretty. The students were lovely. The trips were very interesting although the weather was very cold for me. This was a perfect week for us and for our teachers. We are impatient to host you in Turkey. 

Yağmur Karadeniz, Turkish team


1 comment:

  1. Thank you everyone for kind words and really interesting observations.
